The Trick is Finally Revealed: Financially Protect Your Children While Saving Money

The Trick is Finally Revealed: Financially Protect Your Children While Saving Money

1 in 29 children will lose a parent before reaching adulthood

Remember when you first saw that newborn and realised it was yours?

As a parent, nothing is more rewarding than seeing your child mature into an adult. Yet, 1 in 29 parents don’t get to see it.

No one likes to think about death.

It’s a scary thought, but it’s even more frightening that many parents consider life insurance unimportant. It definitely is when considering that 40% of single parented children live below the poverty line.

Life insurance is the cheapest way to keep your children financially safe

Raising children is now more expensive than buying a house.

The cost of children has risen by 65% since 2003. Having a child now costs over £10,000 a year. A whooping £230,000 from birth until their 21st birthday.

Swap that morning coffee for a financial umbrella for your  children

Life insurance can be as cheap as £10 a month and swapping that morning coffee for life insurance could help paying for food, mortgage or rent, utility bills, child care, school and everyday expenses for your children.

What type of insurance is best for me?

A joint policy with your partner will save you time and money. One insurance covers the two of you. But it just covers the first death, your children will only receive one payout if both of you died tomorrow in a car crash.

A decreasing term life insurance can pay off your mortgage. Decreasing term policies cover a payment that decreases over time, like a mortgage. However, the payout may not cover other day to day living costs.

A level term policy will work like a salary for your children. A fixed amount of money will be spread over the length of time you chose.

The trick to all this is really simple – Use a broker instead of a comparison site, or going direct

The type of life insurance you choose depends only on your unique circumstances. But remember, any life insurance is better than non.

No one knows what’s around the corner. Get your children financially protected now.

Here’s How You Do It:

Step 1: Click your gender below.

Step 2: Simply click “get quote” on the next screen. You will then have direct access to, one of the UK’s leading life insurance sites.