

Paying With Card Abroad

There’s multiple ways to avoid carrying cash while on holidays. Below we explain the pros and cons of the different alternatives when paying with card abroad.  Withdrawing money Pros: You can control your spending while still enjoying your travels. Cons: The high charges link to withdrawing money abroad. Most banks charge you cash withdrawal, foreign exchange and interest charges each...


Earn Money While Travelling

You might not be able to afford going travelling to exotic destinations or for an extended period of time just from your savings. An alternative, is to earn money while travelling. Here you have a list of jobs you can do while travelling:   Online Freelance Work  Work as a freelancer to fund your travellings. Web designers, illustrators, writers, marketers...


Save Money On Travelling

Unforgettable experiences come from travelling. Yet, travelling is, at least at times, unaffordable for most of us. The following post will help you see the world for less. When booking the flight Travel in low season: Traveling in low season refers to flying during off-peak periods. It is considerably cheaper to fly when the kids go back to school after the...